Boater Services
For Care and Maintenance of Your Vessel here is a list of Trusted Service Providers
Boating Education
United States Power Squadrons
Free Vessel Safety Check
Boating Classes
California Boater Card
Click Here! Balboa Sail & Power Squadron

At Newport Coast Maritime Academy we offer
private training to boat owners and their families.
Our instructors will help you and your family develop the
skills and knowledge to operate safely and with confidence.
(949) 400-3689
Arrow Covers
Gretchen Witak
(714) 727-6017 or (949) 529-4224
Learn to drive your boat instruction
Cheryl Aken USCG 50 MASTER
(310) 403-2015
Larry Cognito, USCG License
(949) 903-0589
Design & Yacht Interiors

Residential – Commercial – Yachts – Electric Boats –
Coaches – Private Jets
(714) 914-1050
Perutti Boat Works
Fiberglass Repair, Wood Repair, Regular Washdowns
(949) 548-6263 or (949) 400-2735
Dive Services
Ed Riener Diving Co., Inc.
Underwater Repair, Recovery, Video Surveys
Warner-Bayside Dive
Hull Bottom Maintenance
Cleaning, Propeller Change, Zinc Install
800-593-4837 or 714-842-24025
OC Thermal
“Detect faults before failure”
Infrared Inspections of Hull, Deck,
Engine Room, Rigging, Electrical Systems, Insulation, and Rigging.
Can be completed either in the water or hauled.
(949) 842-2344
Installs and Rigging
Chuy @ Chuy’s Installs (714) 287-9049
Bryce Fuller Fabrication
Marine Electrical Design and Engineering
Electronics Installs and Service
(949) 500-9363 or email:
Call Cory Johnson for Estimates
(951) 440-3920
Vessel Services 7136 East Metz Street, Long Beach, CA 90808
Service & Maintenance
Island Marine Fuel
Featuring Premium ‘VALVTECT’ Diesel and Gasoline Fuel
Dave @ Island Marine Fuel, Balboa Island, CA.
(949) 673-1103
Jerid’s Marine Repair
Jerid Rosencrans, Owner
(714) 760-6596 Email;
Diesel & Gas Engines, Outboards
Electrical & Plumbing Repairs
Marine Diesel Services, Inc.
Installation & Service on these fine brands: Cat, Yanmar, Detroit Diesel, MTU, Onan
Authorized Cummins Northern Lights, Seakeeper Volvo Penta Dealer
1711 Whittier Ave. Ste B, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 612-8180 Email:
McFarland Mobil Marine
Jim McFarland, Owner
(949) 872-5205
Mercruiser, Volvo, Outboards, OutDrive Service, Electrical, General Vessel Service
M & M Marine, Inc
(714) 892-1811
Mercruiser, Volvo, Inboards, Out Drives, Electrical, Haul Outs, Vessel Repowers
Shop 15701 Container LN. Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Weber Marine Services
Cory Weber, Owner (562) 400-8200
Gas Motors, Diesel Motors, Inboards, Out Drives, Electronics